A Bright Star Passes and Says Goodbye

My teacher
Y. C. Chiang passed away in June of 2016 at 94 years of age. He was a major influence in my life on many levels, as well as being the major influence in my development as a martial artist.
I received this notice from Wen Wu in June.

I had been quietly working on an eBook throughout 2015 and 2016 on the small frame approach to the Guang Ping Yang Taiji Chuan set and the Alchemical Three Treasures I developed for helping my students in cleaning up their endocrine system and lymphatic system of the body. This was a response to the increasing intake of chemicals from food, air and water prevalent in Japan as well as most countries in the world. It may be that those of us in developed Nation States are already beyond solving these conditions by simply eating organic, cleaning our water properly and demanding clean air processes for industry. These conditions are not going to go away any day soon due to the prevalence of chemical additives in every aspect of our lives.
The eBook is entitled 'Alchemy of Tao' and it covers the processes taught at Guang Ping Yang Taiji Chuan Japan. It's a guide for those who have reached a terminus point in their practice where they think they have learned all that there is to offer in the practice of Taiji Chuan. This eBook will have written text, pictures and video to give a student of the art a full visual and textural mix of the processes to engage in the practice. It may also have much to offer students of other forms of Taiji Chuan as well as practitioners of Qi-gongs of various types. It will be available on Amazon at some point in the summer of 2017. Apple and other eBook reader systems will be added during 2017. The 1st edition will be in English but additional languages will be added as soon as possible. Links in 'mobi' and Amazon's proprietary eBook system will lead the reader to this website for eBooks that do not show videos inline. Kindle is notoriously slow at getting their eBooks up to speed. An online forum will be added here for those who buy the eBook and wish help to engage in the practices contained in the book. Ongoing communication with video demonstrations, lectures and online 'live' seminars are planned features, so, stayed tuned to what goes on at this site.

all the best
D.D. Harrington