Achemy of Tao, Volume Two, out on Amazon

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Alchemical Three Treasures Qigong, Turtle Qigong, and Three Diamonds Qigong are terms that can be used to describe these
Processes. The practices are based on the need to center the Mind and Heart in the Dantian, balance the body chemicals and
strengthen the Electro-Magnetic Body Shield.
These 12 processes advance internal energy in the body and strengthen the human spirit. It also helps to protect people
from the pressure technology brings into our lives. In light of disintegrating influences people are experiencing on a daily basis
in this time period, and age… do not fret. Learn this Qigong, and practice on a regular basis.

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Qigong de los Tres Tesoros Alquímicos, Qigong de la Tortuga y Qigong de los Tres Qigong de los Tres Diamantes son términos que pueden usarse para describir estos
procesos. Las prácticas se basan en la necesidad de centrar la mente y el corazón en el dantian, equilibrar las sustancias químicas del cuerpo y
fortalecer el escudo electromagnético del cuerpo.
Estos 12 procesos hacen avanzar la energía interna del cuerpo y fortalecen el espíritu humano. También ayuda a proteger a las personas
de la presión que la tecnología trae a nuestras vidas. A la luz de la desintegración influencias que la gente experimenta a diario.

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Le Qigong Alchimique des Trois Trésors, le Qigong de la Tortue et le Qigong des Trois Diamants sont des termes utilisés pour décrire ces pratiques.
Diamants Qigong sont des termes qui peuvent être utilisés pour décrire ces processus. Les pratiques sont basées sur la nécessité de centrer l'esprit
l'esprit et le coeur dans le Dantian, d'équilibrer les substances chimiques du corps et de renforcer le bouclier électro-magnétique du corps.
Ces 12 processus font progresser l'énergie interne du corps et renforcent l'esprit humain. renforcent l'esprit humain. Ils permettent également de protéger les personnes
de la pression que la technologie apporte dans nos vies. À la lumière des influences désintégratrices influences que les gens subissent quotidiennement.
à cette époque, et à cet âge... ne vous inquiétez pas. Apprenez ce Qigong, et pratiquez-le régulièrement.

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Diamanten Qigong sind Begriffe, die zur Beschreibung dieser Prozesse beschreiben. Die Übungen basieren auf der Notwendigkeit, den
Geist und Herz im Dantian zu zentrieren, die Körperchemikalien auszugleichen und Stärkung des elektromagnetischen Körperschildes.
Diese 12 Prozesse fördern die innere Energie im Körper und stärken den menschlichen Geist. Sie helfen auch, die Menschen zu schützen
vor dem Druck, den die Technologie auf unser Leben ausübt. In Anbetracht der zersetzenden Einflüsse, denen die Menschen täglich ausgesetzt sind
in dieser Zeit und in diesem Zeitalter... ärgern Sie sich nicht. Lernen Sie dieses Qigong, und üben Sie regelmäßig.

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The value of weight shifts in Taiji Chuan

This is a discussion between myself and a Master of Guang Ping Yang Taiji Chuan on the small frame approach to the practice.
Although this material is covered in the book, the subject matter is, I think, important enough to put in this blog for all
Taiji Chuan practitioners no matter their style or approach to training.

Every movement in small frame Taiji Chuan concentrates
the expression of energy through fa-shing. There is a difference between
the long push and a strike. Single whip can be a push driven
by the back leg's momentum and energy can be released but its moment of arising
is in the change of pressures between one leg and the other. As for ‘punch’,
the leg that stabilises and drives the strike is the opposite leg from the hand carrying the strike. It is
helped by the closing, guarding or pulling the opposite hand that can close the energy loop or take the opponent’s energy and
redirects it through your forearm or hand strike or push. This is an expression of the wheel. The shifts
change your center through pressure that directs the strike.
Our bodies are neurologically constructed so that the right brain controls the left hand and the right leg
and vice-versa. Energy is an expression of the nerves.
You see this as a balancing in walking but it’s far more complicated than this; energy is
driven through subtle weight shifts. Whether you think of body weight at 51-49% weight front
or back leg or 55-55% front or back leg is not the point. [This applies to all weight and leg separation standards among the various styles.]
Once you train the thrusting vessel, you may do as you like as the mind is aware and action is driven by intent.
The point is how to train others to find the subtle pressures that help us understand and refine our art.
When we think of 55% to 45% weight ratio between legs in training everyone can feel this change.
We are not simply talking about the idea of weight change but instead define the area
where the spine vibrates as the body engages in fa-shing through
subtle weight changes from front to back leg as shifting helps drive energy through
the spine. Before one releases energy from the spine, they first have
to let go of tension in the back and then shift and strike which is a tightening. This action is very subtle.
What is beautiful about movements #54 downward punch and #63 Bend bow, Shoot tiger is that
these movements, when done properly, train the body to vibrate the spine
and conjoin the expression of energy in the spine. Movement #
63 Ben Bow, Shoot Tiger, is the best example of this coming together …
as one shifts, the forearms pull inward together in spirals. If practitioners do not study rotational shifting in this process
they will not develop the expression of energy the practice offers. If one does not train to lift the
thrusting vessel at the right moment, we will not bring the ‘conception vessel and governor vessel
together to express energy. Lifting the thrusting vessel is ‘plumbing the spine’
in classical terms.
The longer people train the thrusting vessel in any energy art, the easier it is for the process
to occur as it becomes engrained and can be so small a movement that it is impossible to see.

Alchemy of Tao release Date Oct. 10, 2017

It's been a whirlwind experience getting the Alchemy of Tao ready for release but It's finally available so, download the sample free or purchase the book in any of the eBook stores online.
You can order here directly:
Alchemy of Tao on Smashwords publishing

This book helps Taiji Chuan practitioners refine their art. It includes descriptions of a small frame approach to the practice that will help all practitioners of Taiji Chuan dig deeper into the capabilities their specific art offers. It includes Alchemical Three Treasures Qi-gong, a new approach to cleaning up our bodies and eliminating harmful chemicals we are subject to on a daily basis.


Alchemy of Tao NOW AVAILABLE!

The eBook 'Alchemy of Tao' will be available September 9th 2017. Go here to pre-order:
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